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Severe Maternal Hypertension


The rate per 10,000 of severe maternal morbidity in Illinois in 2014; an increase from 79.8 in 2011.

50 to 100

The number of near misses for every maternal death.


The percentage of patients with severe maternal hypertension treated within 60 minutes by October 2017 of the ILPQC Severe Maternal Hypertension Initiative.


The percentage decrease in the severe maternal morbidity rate among women experiencing hypertension at delivery between 2015 and 2017, concurrent with the ILPQC initaitive.

Working to reduce severe maternal morbidity in women with severe range hypertension

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a leading case of maternal mortality and morbidity. The severe maternal hypertension initiative launched in January 2016 with over 100 hospital teams participating. Hospital teams worked to improve outcomes through increased use of appropriate medical management of severe hypertension, debriefs, and discharge education and follow-up with new onset severe maternal hypertension cases. Initiative goals were achieved in October 2017 and hypertension teams transitioned to sustainability in January 2018.


  • 1.
    Reduce the rate of severe morbidities in women with severe preeclampsia, eclampsia, or preeclampsia superimposed on pre-existing hypertension by 20% over the course of the initiative.
  • 2.
    Increase the proportion of patients with severe maternal hypertension treated within 60 minutes to 80%
  • 3.
    Increase to 80% the proportion of patients who receive appropriate discharge education and follow-up appointments within 7-10 days post-discharge
  • 4.
    Increase to 50% the proportion of severe maternal hypertension cases with a debrief



**Key Resource
The following material is an example only and not meant to be prescriptive. The resources provided in this toolkit are for informational purposes only. The exclusion of a resource, program, or website does not reflect the quality of that resource, program or website. Note: websites and URLs are subject to change.