Mothers and Newborns Affected by Opioids – Neonatal
Percentage increase in the Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) rate between 2011 and 2017.

Implementing System-Wide Protocols and Clinical Culture Changes to Improve Outcomes for Opioid-Exposed Newborns
1Decrease the proportion of OENs receiving pharmacologic treatment to below 20%
Increase the proportion of eligible OENs receiving maternal breastmilk to above 70%
3.Increase proprotion of OENs discharged with a coordinated discharge plan to above 95%
2022 Webinars
September 2022: Sustainability Call (View Recording Here)
2021 Webinars
January 2021: Sustainability (View Recording here)
June 2021: Adapting to the changing landscape in 2021 (View Recording here)
2020 Webinars
February 2020:
- Opportunities for and Barriers to
Achieving Success (2.17.2020) - View recording Here
March 2020:
April 2020:
June 2020:
July 2020: Breastfeeding and Non-Pharmacologic Care
August 2020: Optimizing non-pharmacologic care to support and reduce pharmacologic treatment of NAS symptoms
September 2020: Coordinated Discharge…it begins at admission
- Opportunities for and Barriers to
2019 Webinars
March 2019:
April 2019:
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Empowering Mothers & Caregivers to Participate in Newborn Care Part 1 (4.15.2019)
May 2019:
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Optimizing Breastfeeding & Nutrition for opioid-exposed newborns (5.20.2019)
June 2019:
July 2019:
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Changing Culture: Optimizing Non-pharmacologic bundle as first line of treatment (7.15.2019)
August 2019:
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: How to Succeed with Coordinated Discharge Planning in the MNO-Neonatal Initiative (8.19.2019)
September 2019:
October 2019:
December 2019:
2018 Webinars
January 2018: MNO Wave 1 Team Launch Call
February 2018:
March 2018:
- MNO Neonatal Workgroup Call and MNO Neonatal Wave 1 Teams call (3/19/2018)
- MNO OB & Neonatal Wave 1 Team Updates (3/23/2018)
April 2018:
- MNO Kick-off Webinar (4/23/2018)
June 2018:
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Pre-Delivery Care (6/25/2018)
July 2018:
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Standardizing Toxicology Testing of Opioid-Exposed Newborns (7/16/2018)
- View July 2018 Recording Here
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Systematically Addressing Stigma & Bias Education for Providers, Nurses, and Staff (8.20.2018)
- View August 2018 Recording Here
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Standardizing Assessment & Monitoring of Opioid-Exposed Newborns Part 1: Assessment Tools (Eat-Sleep-Console & Finnegan Scoring) (9.17.2018)
- View September 2018 Recording Here
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Unpacking the Non-Pharmacologic Care Bundle (10.15.2018)
- View Recording Here
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Annual Conference Recap, Preparing for 2019 (11.19.2018)
- View Recording Here
December 2018:
- MNO-Neonatal Teams Call: Rooming-In (12.17.2018)
- View Recording Here
2017 Webinars
- MNO-Neonatal Sustainability (2021+)
- OUD and NAS Clinical Reports and Policy Statements
- MNO-Neonatal Key Documents
- MNO-Neonatal Folder
- Strength Family/Care Team Relationships
- Improve Pre-Delivery Planning
- Standardize Identification, Monitoring, and Assessment of SEN’s
- Provide Family & Care Team Education
- Improve Infant Nutrition and BreastFeeding
- Optimize Non-Pharmacologic Care
- Standardize Pharmacologic Treatment
- Coordinate and Communicate Safe Discharge
MNO-Neonatal Sustainability (2021+)
ILPQC Data System Sustainability Data Forms:
- MNO-Neo Monthly Patients with OUD Data Collection form (Updated 2.19.2021)
- Combined MNO-OB & Neonatal Monthly Patients with OUD Data Collection form (Updated 2.19.2021)
Sustainability Info:
- MNO-Neonatal Sustainability Plan (complete with QI team and share with ILPQC & your perinatal network administrator)
NEW National NAS Resources!
- AAP: New PediaLink Course – Recovery Friendly Care for Families Affected by Opioid Use Disorder. Course units are eligible for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and Maintenance of Certification Part 2 points.
- AAP: Pediatrics On Call Podcast – Acknowledging Stigma and Embracing Empathy When Treating Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome.
- AAP: Communication Campaign – Share Your Knowledge about Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome.
- ASTHO: Infographic series – Supporting Pregnant and Postpartum Women with Opioid Use Disorder
OUD and NAS Clinical Reports and Policy Statements
AAP Policy and Clinical Reports
- NEW: Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (10/2020)
- AAP Policy Statement: A Public Health Response to Opioid Use in Pregnancy
- AAP Clinical Report: Families Affected by Parental Substance Use
- AAP Clinical Report: Promoting Optimal Development: Identifying Infants and Young Children With Developmental Disorders Through Developmental Surveillance and Screening
- AAP Clinical Report: Neonatal Drug Withdrawal
MNO-Neonatal Key Documents
- 11 Steps to Getting Started with the ILPQC Mothers and Newborns affected by Opioids (MNO) – Neonatal Initiative
- Mothers and Newborns affected by Opioids Aims and Measures
- MNO 6 Key Opportunities for Improvement
- Mothers and Newborns affected by Opioids Neonatal Data Form *UPDATED*
- Mothers and Newborns affected by Opioids Combined OB & Neonatal Data Form *UPDATED*
- Mothers and Newborns affected by Opioids Neonatal Monthly Structure Measures Data Form *UPDATED*
- Mothers and Newborns affected by Opioids Key Driver Diagram for Neonates
- Mothers and Newborns affected by Opioids Neo Readiness Survey
- Plan‐Do‐Study‐Act Worksheet
MNO-Neonatal Folder
All MNO-Neo Folder Materials (Download all here)
Patient Education Materials & Tools (Give to and review with moms)
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): What You Need to Know/Be with your baby: You are the treatment! Half‐ Page Card
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): What you need to know booklet
- ILPQC Newborn Care Diary
Clinical Team Resources (Give to OB & Nurse to complete)
Strength Family/Care Team Relationships
- Beyond Labels: Do Your Part to Reduce Stigma (March of Dimes)
- SAMHSA‐ Words Matter: How Language Choice Can Reduce Stigma
- Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative, Dr. Krisanna Deppen: Substance Abuse 101: Mythbusters
- Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative, Dr. Ron Abrahams, Understanding NAS as a Chronic Illness (Video Link)
Improve Pre-Delivery Planning
Please refer to the ‘Provide Family Education’ section to support prenatal consult
Standardize Identification, Monitoring, and Assessment of SEN’s
- Identify Newborns at Risk for NAS Decision Tree (IDPH NAS AC)
- Inpatient Monitoring
- NAS Scoring and Assessment Tools
- SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital: Sample Decision Tree Flowchart using the Eat, Sleep, Console (ESC) Method
- ILPQC Infant Bedside Sheet*
- Sample Modified Finnegan’s Neonatal Abstinence Scoring Tool (University Health System & Western Australia Centre for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery)
Provide Family & Care Team Education
Improve Infant Nutrition and BreastFeeding
New Resources:
Let’s Talk Cannabis- Worth the Wait Content Package Launch Kit (May 12, 2021) Developed by Prevention First & RESCUE
Initiative Resources:
- MNO-Neonatal Opportunities to Support Breastfeeding Provider Education (7.27.2020)
- MNO-Neonatal Opportunities to Support Breastfeeding Clinical Debrief (7.27.2020)
- Breastfeeding Traffic Light Counseling Resource (via Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
- SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital: Sample Breastfeeding Summary
- ABM Clinical Protocol #21: Guidelines for Breastfeeding and Substance Use or Substance Use Disorder, Revised 2016
- NNEPQIN: Sample Breastfeeding Guidelines for Women with a Substance Use Disorder
- Baystate Children’s Hospital: Sample Marijuana and Breastfeeding Guidelines
- Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative: Sample Provision of 22‐Calorie, lactose‐free formula for infants with NAS
Optimize Non-Pharmacologic Care
- NEW- MNO-Neonatal Missed Opportunities Debrief Review Form- to be completed with every dyad affected by opioids to review successes and identify opportunities to optimize care
- NEW- Eat-Sleep-Console Simulation & Debrief Video
- NEW- Engaging Mom in Non-Pharmacologic Care Simulation & Debrief Video
- Non‐Pharmacologic Care Definitions
- New: ILPQC Newborn Care Diary
- Baystate Children’s Hospital: Sample Rooming‐In policy for mother‐infant dyad impacted by in‐utero opioid exposure
Standardize Pharmacologic Treatment
- SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital Guidelines for Pharmacologic Treatment when using ESC Method
- NNEPQIN: Sample ESC‐Based Pharmacologic Treatment Regimens: Boston Medical Center NAS Pharmacologic Treatment Algorithm & Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth‐ Hitchcock NAS Management Algorithm
- BMC: Sample NAS Primary & Secondary Agent Algorithms
Coordinate and Communicate Safe Discharge
Coordinated Discharge Materials
- MNO-Neonatal Discharge Checklist (Updated 1/6/2020)
- MNO-Neonatal Collaborative Discharge Plan
- MNO-Neonatal Discharge Resources Mapping Tool
Pediatrician Communication Tools
- NEW- Sample letter from inpatient team updating community pediatricians about MNO-Neonatal Initiative, what to expect
- NEW- Sample educational 1-pager about common terminology for Eat Sleep Console to share with community pediatrician
Additional Discharge Resources
- NEW: Accurate Reporting of NAS in APORS Fact Sheet*
- NNEPQIN: Federal Legislation Regarding Infant Plan of Safe Care
- Guttmacher Institute: State Policies on Substance Use During Pregnancy
- Illinois DCFS Statue: Neglected Child
- IDPH Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Reporting System (APORS)
- SAMHSA: Early Intervention Strategies and Developmental Assessments (Section 2: Infant Care, Factsheet 13)
**Key Resource
The following material is an example only and not meant to be prescriptive. The resources provided in this toolkit are for informational purposes only. The exclusion of a resource, program, or website does not reflect the quality of that resource, program or website. Note: websites and URLs are subject to change.
Clinical Quick Start Resources
ILPQC MNO Prenatal Consultation Guidelines – checklist for neonatal/pediatric providers to complete prenatally with pregnant patients with OUD including NAS information, the importance of breastfeeding, and engaging in non-pharmacologic care of the newborn
Identify Newborns at Risk for NAS Decision Tree – tool from the IDPH Neonatal Advisory Council
MNO Discharge Checklist – For every mom/baby dyad a team should (1) ensure infant meets clinical discharge criteria, (2) provide education and anticipatory guidance to the mother/family, and (3) complete the Collaborative Discharge Plan together with the care team, mother/family, and community PCP.
Collaborative Discharge Plan – plan to be completed with the care team, mother/family, and community PCP to identify and facilitate warm handoffs to community organizations to optimize care for opioid exposed newborns
Breastfeeding Traffic Light Resource – a compilation of clinical recommendations for breastfeeding contraindications to support women with OUD to breastfeed their newborn
MNO-Neonatal Clinical Debrief Form – Use this form to review missed opportunities in caring for Mothers and Newborns affected by Opioids with the clinical care team. This form will facilitate review of: prenatal consult, non-pharmacologic care, breastfeeding, and coordinated discharge