Immediate Postpartum Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (IPLARC)
The percentage of Illinois pregnancies that are unintended.

Expanding access to highly effective contraception
Initiative Aim and Outcome
1.Patients receive comprehensive contraceptive counseling, including the option of IPLARC, prenatally and during the delivery admission.
2.Patients who desire and are eligible for IPLARC receive it.
3.Billing is facilitated and reimbursement is received.
4.Providers and staff, including new hires, receive ongoing IPLARC education.

IPLARC Clinical Leadership
Ann Borders
Shelly Tien
Kai Tao
Steve Locher
Upcoming Webinars
Past Webinars
Wave 1
April 9, 2018: Immediate Postpartum LARC Initiative Wave 1 Launch Call
May 14, 2018: Getting Started with IPLARC
June 18, 2018: Toolkit Overview and First Steps for QI Work
REDCap Data Entry Training Call – access a recording of the call here.
August 20, 2018: Stocking IPLARC
September 17, 2018: Protocols and Checklists
November 19, 2018: Provider and Nurse Education
December 17, 2018: IT/EMR and Engaging Outpatient Providers
February 18, 2019: IPLARC Wave 1 Round Robin with GO LIVE updates
April 15, 2019: IPLARC Sustainability for Wave 1 Teams
June 17, 2019: Sustainability: Monitor and Improve Comprehensive Contraceptive Counseling
July 15, 2019: Sustainability: Monitor IPLARC Billing and Coding
August 19, 2019: Sustainability: Ensuring Patients Receive Desired IPLARC
September 16, 2019: Sustainability: New Hire and Ongoing Education
October 21, 2019: Sustainability: Appropriate Patient Follow-up
November 18, 2019: Sustainability: Check-in with Tennessee
December 16, 2019: Sustainability
Wave 2
April 29, 2019: Immediate Postpartum LARC Initiative Wave 2 Launch Call
June 17, 2019: Toolkit Overview and First Steps for QI Work
July 15, 2019: Billing and Coding for Immediate Postpartum LARC
REDCap Data Entry Training Call – access a recording of the call here.
August 19, 2019: Stocking IPLARC
September 16, 2019: IPLARC Protocols and Checklists
October 21, 2019: Comprehensive Contraceptive Counseling
November 18, 2019: Provider and Nurse Education
Additional Resources
*New Provider Notice Inpatient Delivery Claims Containing LARC Device Codes (3.19.21)
Beyond the Pill at UCSF Bixby Center Educational Materials Free Resources:
Chart showing contraceptive options by tiers of effectiveness, including a graphic showing the chances of an accidental pregnancy. Available formats: laminated chart, tear sheet pad, and poster. Order from here.
Available in the following languages:
Options for reporting issues with Medicaid MCO billing:
- New Mechanism for Handling Issues with Medicaid MCOs- report IPLARC billing issues here.
- Report issues with Medicaid MCO claims to ICOY by using this form here.
Review and complete the IPLARC Sustainability Plan with your team and submit to by April 27 to be eligible for an award at the 202 Face-to-Face Meeting.
IPLARC Data Form now LIVE on ILPQC Data System. Paper IPLARC Data Form available here – updated 3/15/19. Sustainability Data Form available here – updated 8/14/19.
IPLARC Billing/Coding Tip Sheet – this document will be updated periodically as new information is learned/becomes available. Please check back often (updated 11/21/19).
IPLARC Fact Sheet – share this document with administrators, providers, and staff!
**NEW RESOURCE** Packet to share with all OB Providers/Outpatient Prenatal Care Sites and Template for Flyer/Draft Letter Announcing IPLARC Go Live! (updated 2/8/19)
IPLARC Grand Rounds Slide Deck – download here! (updated 8/16/2019)
- Initiative Resources
- National Guidance: ACOG Committee Opinions
- Documentation of IPLARC placement in IT/EMR systems
- Coding/ billing strategies for reimbursement of IPLARC
- IPLARC devices stocked in inpatient inventory
- Example protocols for IPLARC placement for labor and delivery and postpartum units.
- Referral strategies for providing Immediate Post-Discharge LARC (interval LARC).
- Provider & nurse education on IPLARC evidence, protocols, and counseling
- Patient education materials for affiliated prenatal care sites & during delivery admission
- Other IPLARC Tookits/Resources
Initiative Resources
- 10 Steps to Getting Started with the ILPQC Immediate Postpartum LARC Initiative
- IPLARC 7 Key Opportunities for Improvement
- 13 Practice Changes for IPLARC Success
- Immediate Postpartum LARC Aims and Measures
- Immediate Postpartum LARC Data Form
- Immediate Postpartum LARC Key Drivers Diagram
- Immediate Postpartum LARC Wave 1 Teams Survey
- Plan-Do-Study-Act Worksheet
- Example Process Flow Diagram (page 7)
National Guidance: ACOG Committee Opinions
- ACOG Committee Opinion #670: Immediate Postpartum Long-Acting Reversible Contraception
- ACOG Practice Bulletin #186: Long-Acting Reversible Contraception: Implants and Intrauterine Devices
- ACOG Committee Opinion #735: Adolescents and Long-Acting Reversible Contraception: Implants and Intrauterine Devices
- ACOG Committee Opinion #672: Clinical Challenges of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Methods
- ACOG Committee Opinion #642: Increasing Access to Contraceptive Implants and Intrauterine Devices to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy
- AJOG article: Policy change is not enough: engaging provider champions on immediate postpartum contraception
- ACOG Position Statement: Restrictions to Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care
Documentation of IPLARC placement in IT/EMR systems
Coding/ billing strategies for reimbursement of IPLARC
- Illinois HFS guidance on hospital billing and reimbursement for IPLARC – A printable PDF version of the announcement is available here
- A Quick Guide to Reimbursement: Coding for LARC
- ICD-10 Codes for Inpatient LARC Billing (page 14)
- Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans: Medical Director Contact Information to troubleshoot if IPLARC claims not being reimbursed
- BCBS Contact Information for Eligibility and Benefits
- Aetna Contact Information for Eligibility and Benefits
- United Healthcare Eligibility and Benefits
IPLARC devices stocked in inpatient inventory
Example protocols for IPLARC placement for labor and delivery and postpartum units.
- IPLARC Policies / Guidelines
- Example clinical guidelines for postpartum IUD insertion
- Example Policy: Postpartum Intrauterine Device Insertion Protocol
- Example Policy: Postpartum Nexplanon Insertion, Part A
- Example Policy: Postpartum Nexplanon Insertion, Part B
- Example clinical guidelines for IPLARC insertion
- Florida Access LARC policies and procedures
- Checklists, Order Sets, and Patient Instructions
- Example IPLARC consents
- IPLARC Policies / Guidelines
Referral strategies for providing Immediate Post-Discharge LARC (interval LARC).
- Make Referrals Easy – Tool #21 – AHRQ Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit
- Patient Referral Checklist
Provider & nurse education on IPLARC evidence, protocols, and counseling
- ILPQC/ACOG Immediate Postpartum LARC Training Workshop Dates
- Patient Centered Counseling Approaches
- Contraceptive Counseling Model: A 5-Step Client-Centered Approach
- CDC: Improving Contraceptive Access: Tools for Providers
- ACOG LARC Provider Education Video Series: LARC Counseling Scenarios
- Patient Education and Counseling from Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative
- LARC Statement of Principles by SisterSong and the National Women’s Health Network
- Quality Comprehensive Contraceptive Counseling – A Client-Centered Conversation eLearning – *NEW*
- Immediate Postpartum LARC General Education/Support for Nurses & Providers
- ACOG LARC Program website and Helpdesk – submit all LARC questions and get response
- ACOG Postpartum Contraceptive Access Initiative – online provider resource for IPLARC from ACOG
- Immediate Postpartum IUD Expulsion Fact Sheet
- Dispelling Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Myths and Misperceptions Fact Sheet
- ACOG District II Administrative and Infrastructure Support Checklist
- Nursing Education
- Postpartum LARC: Nursing Education, from Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
- Article: What Nurses need to know about immediate postpartum LARC
- Immediate Postpartum IUD Education for Nurses, from the University of Chicago
- Immediate Postpartum LARC insertion
- ACOG LARC Provider Education Video Series – Immediate Postpartum Period, Implant Informed Consent and Pre-Insertion Counseling, Contraindications to Intrauterine Contraception, Contraceptive Counseling and Shared Decision Making Framework
- ACOG District II LARC videos for physicians – Immediate Post-Placental LARC Insertion
- Two techniques of postplacental IUD insertion and proper location of IUD after insertion
- Provider and Staff Training on Clinical Procedures from Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative
- Postpartum IUD Insertion Training
Patient education materials for affiliated prenatal care sites & during delivery admission
- Comprehensive Contraceptive Counseling Materials
- Bedsider patient education brochure / poster on all contraceptive options and efficacy rates
- CDC downloadable patient handout on contraception options
- FPQC patient counseling resource
- Contraception Materials that Address IPLARC
- ACOG FAQ 500: Using Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Right After Childbirth
- Postpartum LARC trifold brochure
- Post-placental IUD insertion patient hand out
- Family Planning After Your New Baby brochure
- Immediate Postpartum Intrauterine Device Info Sheet (page 35-36)
- Postpartum Contraceptive Implant Info Sheet (page 34)
- IPLARC Patient Education Materials from Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative
- Comprehensive Contraceptive Counseling Materials
Other IPLARC Tookits/Resources
**Key Resource
The following material is an example only and not meant to be prescriptive. The resources provided in this toolkit are for informational purposes only. The exclusion of a resource, program, or website does not reflect the quality of that resource, program or website. Note: websites and URLs are subject to change.