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Maternal Hypertension and Obstetric Hemorrhage Continuing Education

Continuing Education Requirement for Maternal Hypertension and Obstetric Hemorrhage

To reduce maternal morbidity and mortality and build on current quality improvement efforts, I PROMOTE-IL and ILPQC support hospital efforts to provide ongoing education for managing obstetric hemorrhage and maternal hypertension, as specified in Public Act 101 0390.

There are several ways for birthing facilities to fulfill this annual training requirement, including e-modules, simulations, or drills from AIM, ACOG and other leading national groups available on the website.

Please complete this form annually for your hospital to report training occurring in the calendar year by  January 31st, 2021 and end of January annually thereafter. Hospitals should report the number of hospital staff and providers with admitting privileges who have met the obstetric hemorrhage and maternal hypertension training requirements.

This information will help hospitals track their training progress, identify areas for quality improvement initiatives, and will be used by I PROMOTE-IL and ILPQC to understand hospitals’ ability to complete the training requirement and identify opportunities to provide further support to hospitals towards our shared goal of improved maternal health across the state.