Making Illinois the Best Place to Give Birth and be Born
Over 95%
Birthing hospitals participating in one or more statewide quality improvement initiatives.
Thanks for joining our BCBS Designation Kick-Off 1/13!
ILPQC, in collaboration with Blue Cross Blue Shield, is excited to announce the launch of our Birth Care Quality Star and Birth Care Quality Excellence designation program. The goal for the designation program is to recognize participating facilities for their improvement work and create a system of sustained change related to evidence-based best practice. The designation distinguishes those birthing facilities committed to practices that promote safe, equitable, and respectful care for all people giving birth and their infants in Illinois.
To learn more about the designation criteria to qualify for these two tiers, the designation program timeline, and the supports offered by this program, view the recording of January 13th Kick-Off call here and view the slides here
Who We Are
ILPQC is a statewide network of perinatal
clinicians, nurses, hospitals, patients, public
health leaders and policymakers that aims
to equitably improve outcomes and reduce
disparities for mothers and babies across
What We Do
Active Initiatives
Birth Equity (BE) Initiative
Hospital teams across Illinois facilitate systems and culture change to support conditions of optimal births for all people to address maternal disparities and promote birth equity.
Equity and Safe Sleep for Infants (ESSI) Initiative
Building upon the foundational work of the ILPQC Birth Equity initiative, hospital teams across Illinois will promote neonatal equity, address racial and social inequities, and seek to reduce neonatal health disparities in sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) related to the sleep environment.